Demnächst im Kino
Im November
ein Film von Dominic Savage
CA/UK 2023, 100 Minuten, englische OF mit dt. UT
Klagenfurt 6.11., 20.10 Volkskino
Graz: 13.11., 20.00 KIZ Royal Kino
Wien: 18.11., 20.00 Votivkino
Innsbruck: 19.11., 20.30 Leokino
Angry Spirits takes a poetic look at a global challenge: the threat to indigenous peoples from environmental degradation caused by mining and climate catastrophe. The film follows the quest for healing of Ainur, a young mother from a traditional herding family, who plunged into extreme poverty after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Now living in Mongolia's modern capital, Ulaanbaatar, she works as a dancer in a strip club. Ainur feels unwell, as if haunted by spirits and follows the advice of a shaman and returns to the land of her ancestors. On her journey, she confronts the destruction of the this once breath taking landscape and the question, how to heal herself and her home.
Im November
ein Film von Dominic Savage
CA/UK 2023, 100 Minuten, englische OF mit dt. UT
Klagenfurt 6.11., 20.10 Volkskino
Graz: 13.11., 20.00 KIZ Royal Kino
Wien: 18.11., 20.00 Votivkino
Innsbruck: 19.11., 20.30 Leokino
Erlebt echte Kinomomente bei euch im Ort!
Eine Vielzahl ausgewählter Filme findet Ihr auf
6 November, 8 pm
IDFA Best of Fests
14 - 19 November
PÖFF Tallinn Black Nights Film Festival
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IDFA Luminous
14 - 19 November
World Premiere
Festival Augenblick
5 - 22 November
7 Nov Vodoo Jürgens in concert
Idfa, Amsterdam